At mindfulness and driving impact go hand in hand.

Yes. Practicing mindfulness will positively influence your direct environment: yourself, friends, family, and colleagues. But we believe it should be easy to add another impact to that list: society.

Therefore, 10% of every ‘Chill’ session that you book will go towards social Impact. That means that you’re driving impact as you ‘Chill’. What’s better than that? is a proud supporter of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

“A collection of 17 global goals designed for all countries worldwide to be a ‘blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all’. These goals were set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and intended to be achieved by the year 2030, as part of the UN 2030 Agenda”.

How booking “Chill” helps feeding NYC

One of the SDG’s focusses on is ‘’Zero Hunger , End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture’. Our partner for “Zero Hunger” is City Harvest – Rescuing Food for New York’s Hungry.

10% of your booking at means that your investment in yourself will also help our partner City Harvest feed a family in need for one day.

Our current goal is to reach $1,000 to help feed 3700 children in need for a day.

Converting Your Chill into local impact for NYC

To make the largest impact as possible, we’re currently contributing to local New York causes, who are supporting the COVID-19 recovery efforts. As we grow, we’ll add other regions, of course.

Next on our list, Amsterdam.

Join our cause!

Do you know of a great local New York City cause that fits our Social Impact vision, as well as the Sustainable Development framework? Send us an and let us know.
About the author : sochill_admin

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